Sunday, March 18, 2012

Welcome BodyTalk Vitality LLC

BodyTalk Vitality LLC is OFFICIAL! With a Springville City Business License, a Business Bank Accout, (with debit card), I step into my new role (with my spouse) as home business owners! As I put this role next to my role as a daughter, mother, grandmother, wife, leader, practicing holistic nurse and Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, I am humbled. I launch this blog in cyberspace to pause and celebrate miracles! I hope to share the growing of BodyTalk Vitality LLC with all those who travel these pages. I pause to appreciate tonight - SACRIFICE - of my family who lived without me the past couple of years while I studied and travelled to learn the BodyTalk science, who let me practice incessantly to pass TWO certified board exams - and to the instructors and the International BodyTalk Association who patiently taught and reinforced the science as I, the student, wrapped my brain around the new science of bioenergetic medicine! While my BSN certainly helped and the anatomy certainly may have come easier, the science and fascination with the power of the human body to heal, both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually never ceases to amaze me, whether it is in my own personal life - or as I observe my clients who quickly become my friends! This blog is intended to share the miracles - along with the science - to all those who pause to indulge!